What are the first steps towards implementing the Essential Eight?

Even though the Essentials Eight Maturity Model aims to support organisations in the implementation of the Essential Eight strategy, full compliance can be tricky. This is because adapting the core eight concepts to your organisation can take time and specialist knowledge.

Organisations now need to balance the protection of their systems with easing the fears of stakeholders. This is why having your cyber security strategy as airtight as possible is crucial. In the case of an attack, questions about the measures you had in place at the time will undoubtedly be asked. This is why it’s always best to enlist the help of an expert.

At The Computer Department, we can map out and implement your entire Essential Eight strategy. We also perform audits to ensure the highest quality strategy is in place for your organisation.

With over 30 years in the industry, we help our customers reap the rewards of IT development, without having to deal with the pitfalls. Good cyber security is a key component in protecting your business now and in the future. Get ahead of it now, before it’s too late.


October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month!


What level of Maturity is best for my organisation?